[Review - Buku] Critical Eleven by Ika Natassa
Feels kinda sad actually, when I checked my goodreads, and the whole 2015, I only read 2 books until now. TWO! What the hell did I do with my life?! And books that are on 'currently reading' categories are like 3 or 4. I remember I didn't put like 2 other title of books, but I will not read it anyway, cause I read like 10 or 20 minutes of it, and bored already. Yeah dammit.
Anyway, also kinda sad cause I didn't come here earlier, not even for my birthday. I remember last year I came here the very first day after my birthday, in the middle of the night from a super hectic day, with presidential election and stuff, and I still have time for my blog, writing couple of goals and stuff. But this year? It's been a month and 6 days today, and I still have no time time to write another life goal and birthday or life update related thingy. Sad.
But I'm not here for that. I'm here to review a book.
Dalam dunia penerbangan, dikenal istilah critical eleven, sebelas menit paling kritis di dalam pesawat—tiga menit setelah take off dan delapan menit sebelum landing—karena secara statistik delapan puluh persen kecelakaan pesawat umumnya terjadi dalam rentang waktu sebelas menit itu. It's when the aircraft is most vulnerable to any danger.
In a way, it's kinda the same with meeting people. Tiga menit pertama kritis sifatnya karena saat itulah kesan pertama terbentuk, lalu ada delapan menit sebelum berpisah—delapan menit ketika senyum, tindak tanduk, dan ekspresi wajah orang tersebut jelas bercerita apakah itu akan jadi awal sesuatu ataukah justru menjadi perpisahan.
Ale dan Anya pertama kali bertemu dalam penerbangan Jakarta-Sydney. Tiga menit pertama Anya terpikat, tujuh jam berikutnya mereka duduk bersebelahan dan saling mengenal lewat percakapan serta tawa, dan delapan menit sebelum berpisah Ale yakin dia menginginkan Anya.
Kini, lima tahun setelah perkenalan itu, Ale dan Anya dihadapkan pada satu tragedi besar yang membuat mereka mempertanyakan pilihan-pilihan yang mereka ambil, termasuk keputusan pada sebelas menit paling penting dalam pertemuan pertama mereka.
Diceritakan bergantian dari sudut pandang Ale dan Anya, setiap babnya merupakan kepingan puzzle yang membuat kita jatuh cinta atau benci kepada karakter-karakternya, atau justru keduanya.
I like the grieving and hate it at the same time. I cried and bawling my eyes out when Anya dreamed about Aidan being 3 years old – also have that ‘senyum senyum najis’ when Ale being cute and stubborn at the same time – and somehow I can feel how a mother can be so sad at that time. Well, apparently a scene of Forever when a mom just deliver her baby and one of the relative hand her baby to her, and the tears are just,... you know. But, I also hate it cause the grieving become a lil be overused that the feeling of grief is no longer there.
kisses xx