Best 5 couples from Serials

1:55 AM

This blog talked too much bout review, either books or movies. Padahal, sebenernya gue lebih kepada US Serials watcher than movie watcher. In fact, gue juga ga nonton Hollywood movie lagi, more like Europe or,... yah pokoknya bukan Hollywood. Bosen sih, genre nya ngikut trend mulu, jadi males.

Anyway, not that gue bener-bener penggila series ya, tapi bisa dibilang gitu juga sih. So far, yang gue ikutin udah cukup banyak, walau emang genre nya berkisar di dokter-dokter, crime scene, kadang komedi juga, atau yah, cukup gaul lah minimal. Anyway, sejauh ini tontonan gue adalah Gossip Girl, Greys Anatomy, Criminal Mind, CSI, Lie To Me, Glee, Pretty Little Liars, Fairly Legal, Made In Jersey, Scandal, Jane By Design, How I Met Your Mother, aduh gue sampe ga hapal sih, tapi kayaknya yang paling sering gue tonton sih ini.

Well, dari semua itu, yah ada juga sih ya pasti bagian romantis romantisnya, tentu saja. Dan gue, dari semua series yang pernah gue tonton, ga cuma yang diatas sih, itu cuman yg gue ikutin, I found myself fangirling sendiri kalau nonton sepasang tokoh yang bisa bikin gila di serial itu. And so far, buat top 5 couple menurut gue adalah list berikut ini:

1. Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf 
Goes by couple name 'Chair'


If you fellas ever watch this serials, well, in case you did watch it since episode 1 session 1, sampe tamat, there's no way you didnt love this couple. I mean like, come on! Gue ga paham lagi segimana bisa pasangan ini bertahan di tengah segala macam badai topan. First, they were not together at first, yes. Second, they are the devil in this series, like it or not. Third, after that long, bitch please, Chuck's quote really fit it!
Endless love, Blair and Chuck ❤️❤️
Jadi, buat lo yang ga nonton, lemme tell it in short. Chuck Bass dulu di masa sekolah adalah the playboy, well, almost till the end tho, while Blair, as Queen B, well you know, the most eligible whatsoever lah ya, rule the school, paling cantik, paling populer, udah semua deh. Juga paling jahat, of course. Their love story start really embracing and sweet and stuff since season 4, for me. Like Chuck was planning to propose Blair, the ring already there, he got shot, and so on, and so on. Dia pake lupa ingatan dan segala macem, then back to New York, then back to Blair, who, too bad, already have Prince Louis as fiancee. And season 5 and 6 will be the best of Chuck Bass, I mean with all the sweetness that can make you go to dentist every day dammit. No, ignore my analogy. I mean, he is really sweet okay? Like REALLY REALLY SWEET!
Whatever. Intinya, di season 6, in the end, they got married, setelah Chuck akhirnya bebas dan gajadi ditangkap karna bokapnya meninggal. Awalnya sih rencana nikah itu biar Blair gabisa bersaksi di pengadilan aja, but well, they do love each other tho, so what?
They will always be my fave, even the series udah tamat dari kapan tau. And heck yeah, I still watch the old episodes and sometimes keep quoting things from them lol
Blair and chuck <3

2. Toby Cavanaugh and Spencer Hastings
Goes by couple name 'Spoby'
Pretty little liars

Ladies and gentleman, please welcome, the most most most most heartbreaking couple, for now, for me at very least. ASTAGA TOBY CAVANAUGH!
I'm not gonna lie, at first, gue pecinta berat Mr Fitz aka Ezra. Dia itu udah kayak apa ya? Best teacher lah ya pastinya. But then, thanks to this shit, since season 2, gue jadi pecinta Toby. Absolutely team spoby for real!
Anyway, ini dari serial Pretty Little Liars, which, so far, udah jadi serial terkece lah ya mungkin. Finale kemaren aja sampe masuk trending topic twitter. And yeah, gue yakin teamspoby pasti paling banyak dari semuanya, dibanding Ezria atau Haleb. Well, let's back to the topic.
Toby itu sodaranya Jena, cewek yang jadi buta karna kerjaan Spencer dan temen-temennya dulu. And apparently, Toby juga ternyata adalah TeamA, aka orang-orang yang selama ini kerjanya ngerusuhin Spencer and the geng. To be honest, waktu tau Toby itu team A, gue udah langsung sakit hati. Kayak, I love you this much the whole time, how could you do this to me! Okay, gue mulai lebay, skip.
PLL | via Facebook
Apparently I'm still a woman tho, cause tiap gue liat scene mereka, dengan Toby yang super duper so sweet dan manis dan kata-katanya yang aduhai-amboi-makjang-manis-kali itu, gue tetep menggelinjang ga karuan di kamar gue sambil meluk-meluk guling. Well, jangan salahkan gue. Salahkan Marlene King mungkin, si pembuat PLL, atau ya salahakan si Keegan Allen alias Toby kampret yang ganteng kali ini. As I told you, Toby itu team A, dan mereka, well, gabisa dibilang destined to be together. But I believe they were.
Anyway, in real life, Spencer udah punya pacar, which happen to be another best couple I will write later, name Patrick Adams, or Mike Ross. I followed the three of them on instagram tho, Spencer, Toby, and Mike. And to be honest, gue nonton Pretty Little Liars sih sampe sekarang, selain ceritanya yang totally unexpected, juga karna mereka berdua. Really, their scene never failed to make me crazy.

3. Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey 
Don't think they have couple name, but might as well goes with Deredith
Fairytales... Oh...

I gotta admit they're not always sweet. Not most of time, tho. Plus, they're old lol. But no, justru karna serial ini udah dari jaman kapan, sekarang udah sampe season 10, but I still find they are cute together so yeah, I gotta put them on number 3. Bukan karna mereka suka gombal atau apa sih ya, cause fact is they're not. Mereka bahkan lebih sering berantem. Mereka pernah putus juga, sering marahan, banyak deh pokoknya.
Pinky Quotes | via Facebook
Fact is, they're married on a post-it. Say it again, POST-IT. Yeah, that bright-color-paper you use to... i dont know, whatever you use it tho. But I mean, crazy enough, aite? But they still tho, and then they have Zola, anak angkat mereka, and just have Bailey, anak mereka yang lahir di season 10, cowok.
i fell in love
Truth is, love is not easy, that's what I learnt from this couple. And yeah, banyak banget rintangan pasangan ini. Meredith udah hampir 5 kali ngalamin almost-death experience. And, Derek, bitch please, gue ga pernah ga nangis nonton season 8 episode 24, no matter how much I did watch that episode already. Itu waktu Derek kena tembak and almost dead. Maaaan, this is embarrassing lol
extraordinary together | via Facebook
Anyway, it's not that Derek never did a sweet things tho. Dia itu udah nikah tadinya, sama Addison. Dan dia sebenernya ketemu Meredith pertama kali itu di bar, saling ga kenal, and then have one night stand. Too bad, besoknya, Meredith mulai intern hari pertama, dan Derek itu dokter di rumah sakit itu. BUSTED! Lol. And what sweet things? Derek itu bangun rumah sendirian, mulai dari nyari tanah, fondasi, sampe mikirin tempat dan posisi kamar segala macem, buat Mer. Kurang termehek-mehek apa?
MERDER<3 | via Facebook

4. Mike Ross and Rachel Zane
Don't know their couple name yet, but maybe it can goes with Machel
(61) Likes | Tumblr

Well, this Suits thingy is pretty new, but I'm in love with this already, since episode 1. I mean, lawyer, hot, finally not really about heavy case like Boston Legal, lawyer, and hot. I know I know, I've mention it, but c'mon. Lawyer, and hot! Sebenernya awalnya gue cinta sama Harvey sih. Who doesnt tho, ya kan? Tapi yah, gitu deh, makin kesini, Mike sama Rachel makin makin aja ya gilanya. Makin makin juga Mike super sweet dan manis banget ngomongnya. Dammit Mike!
Nope, I don't think this series suitable for kids lol. Ya mereka buka buka bajunya cukup banyak sih, apalagi scene duo kampret ini. Jadi, Mike itu udah kayak asisten Harvey, Senior Associate di Pearson law firm - well, terlalu sering ganti nama itu lawfirm, sampe gue bingung namanya apa -, sedangkan Rachel itu paralegalnya. Dia sih mau jadi lawyer juga disitu, dan actually, pursuing her career and dream currently. Dan mereka akhirnya punya hubungan.
Yeah well, you've guessed. Gue cinta mereka ya karna sweet words. And yeah, Mike ini adalah pacarnya Spencer in real world. Whatever, kita udah keluar jalur pembahasan. Pokoknya ya gitu deh, I just really love the couple for now on, but I also love Patrick with Troian in real life.

5. Caleb and Hanna Marin
Goes with couple name 'Haleb'

Actually, it's kinda hard to decide whether I go with this or Finn and Rachel on Glee, but then, this one win. I still love Finchel tho, but Caleb and Hanna is kinda more sweet. Again, you saw my weakness. Sweet words.
Anyway, not much to say bout this couple. Caleb itu kayak geeky yang kerjanya ngurusin tech sama komputer gitu deh kalo di PLL, sementara Hanna tuh ya tipically blondie lol. Ya gitu, ngomongnya suka-suka, tapi kadang lemot trus ga ngerti sama yang diomongin. Tapi Caleb tuh sayaaaang banget sama dia, trus ya dia itu gasuka banget kalo Hanna udah mulai kambuh begonya dan ngebahayain dirinya sendiri, including doing things with Mona, or A thingy.
:e | via Facebook
Rumor is, they are together in real life, for now. Pas di awal awal dulu, Ash Benzo alias si Hanna ini sih pacaran sama Ryan Good, stylist for Justin Bieber. But well, idk tho, ga terlalu ngikutin lah ya kenapa mereka putus dan segala macem. But, not a surprise sih kalo misal mereka beneran jadian di dunia nyata. Ya soalnya, dari mereka berempat juga, yang udah punya bathroom scene ya Haleb doang kan. But well, Caleb tuh sweet nya ya karna dia emang protektif gitu sama Hanna.

Yeah well, that's for now. That's just my opinion tho. It just, gue lagi males nge post soal buku atau film, since I still didn't read my newest book that I bought recently, from AliaZalea yang Celebrity Weeding. Will do soon, and will write the review later.

That's it for now, see you people!


I'm sorry but I need to change the number 5. Dari awal gue beres nulis ini, sebenernya gue ngerasa ada yang janggal dan ga pas, karna di awal sebelum nulis blog, nomor 5 itu sebenernya bukan Haleb, bukan juga Finnchel, karna mereka itu nomor 6 dan 7. Actually, nomor 5 itu adalah:

5. President Fitz and Olivia Pope
I really dont know they couple name, dont have so far, but I guess can goes with 'Filivia'
 They came from Serial called Scandal, ceritanya soal Olivia Pope, yang punya firm khusus buat nanganin masalah, apa aja, di DC, khususnya berhubungan dengan hukum dan politik dan sejenisnya. Well, dia juga tim sukses Presiden terpilih, Fitz. Dan juga, ekhem, mistress nya gitu sih. President Fitz sendiri punya istri, for public use only, lol; cause in fact, ya dia cintanya sama Liv, and stuff and stuff.
Gue gatau kenapa, tapi disini, rasanya they're right, and Mallie, istri Fitz itu yang salah. I mean, gue jadi ngedukung selikuh dan perzinahan gini kan jadinya -____________-"
 Anyway, this is also a series for adult, believe me. Sama kayak Suits, ini tuh cukup sering sih cipokan sama buka-bukaannya, apalagi Fitz sama Liv. And even funnier is, Fitz tuh kalo sama Liv kayak gabisa nahan gitu, so yeah, the did the wohoo thing lol
 And as you can see from above ya, I have weakness on sweet words and man with candy lips, so yeah. Apalagi astaganaga president Fitz, lebih cocok jadi pujangga apa pencipta lagu da, aslinyak. Gue sih ga paham kalo sama kata-katanya
 Well, theyre love life kinda difficult actually. Sekarang Scandal udah sampe season 3 dan itu seru banget. Sampe crew Justin aja termasuk Alfredo Flores sama JBlaze ternyata doyan nonton scandal.


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