get more money (:

11:38 PM

because I'm trying to get more money, and also to become better in English,
maybe I'll try to write my blog in English.
well I'm sorry if my grammar, or any kind of that English stuff is still sucks.
but hey !
I'm trying gere !

okay, first of all I'm feeling so SURPRISED that I can separated from you, internet for 4 days.
what a great thing actually, since I'm connected all day long with internet since october 17th .
but anyway that means GREAT, because that I'm not really addict to internet anymore.
well, now let's go back to work.

okay then ,
what makes me do this is actually because of my hobby .
no, it's not my reading and writing hobbies .
it's the hobby that spend a lot of thing .
what else except  shopping huh ?

yeah right !
every girls in this world will never be safe from the virus called shopping .
plus, if you see the DISCOUNT or SALE on it .
oh GOSH !
seems like you gonna passed away (:
but think i start to think that i will always get what I what .
my parents, especially my mother, will really angry at me ,
and one billion thousand not agree with this hobby (:
then, i start to get my money in my own way .
and here they are .
because of the thing that make me really need the money ,
and because of the go girl ! magazine *thanks God i BOUGHT it (:
that give the way to get money , then i start it .

and now, lets the adventure starting (:
)very EXCITED !

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