[So Called] Month of Love

12:23 AM

Hello there February!

Tadinya gue mau langsung nulis review film, tapi kayaknya kok ya ga enak. Udah ganti bulan, trus gue tanpa basa-basi langsung review. Ya ga masalah juga sih, blog juga blog gue ini lol.
But anyway, I decided not to, and, have a little 'opening' post in the new month.

Sebelumnya, maafkan gue karena gue ga ngepost apa-apa lagi selain 2 post di bawah selama buluan Januari, dimana tragisnya adalah, gue janji bakal lebih sering nulis di post-an sebelum ini. And look what happened to that promise *deep sigh*

Anyway, this is going to be a quick update for whatever happened the whole month, in January.

Okay, jadi, pertama adalah, kini gue sudah pengangguran. It's been a week, actually. Dan, believe it or not, badan gue masih terbiasa bangun jam 7, hingga akhirnya, BARU TADI PAGI, gue tidur jam 7 kurang di pagi hari, dan bangun jam 10an. Butuh seminggu supaya badan gue bisa balik ke masa-masa kejayaannya menjadi kalong panutan bangsa abad ini. I still can't believe it. Need to train it more, I guess.

Anyway, pengangguran sih sebenernya gak bener-bener pengangguran. Well, I really have no - I mean, literally NO - plan, like, what will happen next, to be honest. Might as well just enjoying this "free time" for a while. But, since we really really have no plan, we stumble from here to there, and cannot make any plan at all, regarding job, event, next thing to do, career path, life, jodoh, and so on.

Well, let me tell you the story. As you probably knew, or maybe you don't, gue berhenti kerja selain karena kontrak gue udah berakhir untuk 3 bulan, juga karena rencana jadi dosen yang sudah digaungkan sejak tahun lalu, which is why we asked for 3 months period only instead of 6 months offer from our last office. Anyway, those plan probably stand still, but the story got twisted. Jadi, yang awalnya bakal jadi dosen di Jakarta aja, tiba-tiba agak bergeser dengan kemungkinan jadi dosen di universitas negeri di Medan, and that means, yes, tinggal di Medan.
Balik ke Medan.
Hidup di Medan.

That. Was. Never. Crossed. My. Mind. Anymore.

I don't know. I enjoy spending my holiday in Medan, but live my life there - tho Dad said it just for 2 or 3 years maximum - sounds, idk, unreal? I mean, sure I knew the place, like I spent 18 years of my entire life living there. And, tho I left Medan for like almost 8 years now, I came back once or twice and I still can catch up with some improvement.

And again, living my life there seems unreal.

There's a lot of things to be considered. Besides, I enjoy being here, the big city with all the problem and shit. Cannot imagine myself need to adapting again with all those things. I just, cannot.
First, I cannot make any event anymore, and that's kind of important. No, that's not really the first and biggest problem, I just write down what's in my mind.
Second, live in my house again - which is quite pinggiran - will probably a problem, and need effort, and kinda annoys me. From my house to the city, it will take around 1,5 to 2 hours on the road. And not like in Jakarta, which is actually close - but makes it long and far cause of the traffic -, in Medan, it is actually "that far", no kidding. And if we add traffic to it, then damn man! The real "tua tua di jalan" will work.
Third, I don't think I will have my life here, in Medan. Connection to TV and radio, networking that I've been working on these whole time, all those free concert invitation when I'm lucky, my friends here, people I usually hangout and chat with, and all those thing, will not be there for me in Medan. I mean, sure I still can get in touch with them via all those social media, but I mean, it will feel different. Way too different.
Forth, I still root for Justin's fcking world tour here. If I live in Medan, I will need extra money to buy plane ticket to Jakarta. And even if I want to watch in Singapore, tho the plane ticket is cheaper, but I will watch alone, like I mean, no crew, no friend, no one I know, alone. CAN YOU IMAGINE.

Yeah right, those list shows how egoist I am, how subjective it is, and well, how non mature I act. But I mean, seriously, I just cannot.
Those are not all the reasons, but still tho, at least you get the picture.

And anyway, since there still a lot of 'needs' and 'will' here that should be considered, there's a plan of me going to Medan, at least to think about it, for a month or two. And then, that's the problem. Cause there is nothing that can assure me what should I do, I cannot make any plan, for myself, or for other people.

Errggghh, now I rant way too much. I was just going to post review of another Pinoy movie at the first time actually.

Let just left it there then. I already watched like 7 Pinoy movie since New Year, and the only post about review is the last one, and 2 movies in 1 post. I should really post more review, for real.

Anyway, on a side note, did you guys watch the trailer of Me Before You, from the book with same title by Jojo Moyes? I def cannot wait to watch it, and didn't finish the book yet. But seriously, I will not miss it for the world.

Might as well put the trailer, so here you go.

Well, that's gonna be the thing related to Month Of Love, I guess. I don't even know why I put that as the title, and relate it with this movie. I mean, the movie is going to be released on around June this year.
Fine, just the word Love, that's the silver line.

I think I need my red wine.

February 6th, 00.22
Cheers !


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